Hello there, I’m Ashwin Gautam. I belong to the Culture Rich Heritage of India. This is where I started my journey of becoming an Entrepreneur.

Trying to escape through the generic mindset of India where one trains through years of education and schooling with a certain major that I didn’t really want to but had to because of family and social pressure.

It’s more common in India than you’d think. Years of struggle and arguments over getting the freedom to whatever I wanted in life was a fun but stressful journey at the same time.

However, with a strong will and long struggle I finally managed to start my path on the road of wanna-be-entrepreneur.

Now I reside in Canada with strong roots in India from where I’m working on helping the world become more positive and a better place to live for our future generations.

This is my personal blog where I share my thoughts, experiences and reviews on some things that interest me.

Thank you for taking time to reading through my info and good luck with your mission!