A Mid-Winter Global Warming Breeze

March 6, 2022. It was a day that was not only a shock but a nice surprise that you don’t usually see! It was a beautiful fall-like day in the middle of a harsh winter with a breeze that everyone enjoyed here in Ontario amidst a Pandemic and Global Warming.

A Trick of Global Warming?

Global Warming has shown us this new weather patterns and summers have gotten hotter while making winters colder. It doesn’t only make them harsher, but also highly unpredictable. While forecasts have gotten better over years using the latest equipment and computers to process the data, the effects of our actions have been getting worse every second.

My wonderful wife, Reena & I enjoyed this beautiful day together outside at the beautiful beach of Hamilton, Ontario. It was an amazing temperature that ranged from 13 °C to 20 °C. We enjoyed almost half of this beautiful sunny day on the shores of Lake Ontario.

Beautiful beaches might become a thing of the past as an effect of Global Warming. [My beautiful wife & I on Hamilton Beach]

You couldn’t ask for more after how relaxing and beautiful this day was! With Blue, Brown, and Turquoise shades of water with occasional clouds crossing over giving us an immediate shadow flying over. It was my wife’s favorite part during the day as she says!

A New Beginning Underway or Needed?

While we were enjoying this beautiful day, she was also making some videos for a YouTube channel she has always been wishing to start. The feeling of enjoying such a beautiful day isn’t something that could be easily expressed. The one thing I’ll say for sure is that this was one of the best days during this week for me and the best part of the day for both of us.

One thing we’re trying to encourage and express to our readers and viewers is to get in touch with this beautiful nature. Make as many efforts as we can to preserve it not, just for ourselves but for the upcoming generations. Humans are here for a reason, the nature has been here way longer than us with different lifeforms and different organisms.

Human-caused Climate change is a big thing and there have been a lot of good scientists and some very popular figures who have been spreading awareness and have been calling people out on helping fight it. Bill Nye and Leonardo DeCaprio have been some of the most aggressive leaders in this fight.

Everyone talks about how we’re destroying the world. I don’t think we’re destroying the world and nature as much as changing it for the worse…not for the earth, but for ourselves. We don’t have the capability to destroy the environment and nature as how it’s been proven over and over. We’ve had so many examples over so many millions of years.

All we are doing and we can do is create events how other animals and their actions do to cause a chain of events. However, in this case, are way worse than anything else that has been in history. Now, one thing for sure is if we spread and destroy the environment and hurt the circle of life and the balance of the food chain, we’re not just going to destroy ourselves, we’re going to take this whole food chain and all the major species that are part of it, down with us.

Consequences are dire not to Earth but to Humans

The life how we know on earth will change unless we do something about it. Remember, we’re not doing efforts to stop global warming to save the planet, we’re doing this to save ourselves. The planet doesn’t need our help saving it because it has long existed before us and will continue to exist after us. We need to help ourselves so that we and our upcoming generations can exist on this beautiful planet.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Some other reads you might like are Are We Qualified? and The Unseen Future. If you’d like to check out the amazing video and channel my wife has been working hard on, the link is below.

Ashwin Gautam

Published by
Ashwin Gautam

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