The question isn’t about how long can Global Warming last, but how long can we last with the exponential adverse effects that come with the changing climate?

Ever since industrialization began in the mid-20th century, the world and our environment have been changing at a fast pace. Not only have we been glazing at lightning and alarming speed towards a fate that’d now be relying on strictly human actions, but we have been getting warned about it ever since by many scientists, books, articles, and movies. Not to mention the record-breaking evidence and the complaints from our elderlies on how beautiful and amazing the weather used to be!

NASA and public figures like Bill Nye and Leonardo DiCaprio have been on the front line trying to warn the world about climate change while politicians have been using it as another item like religion to power their campaigns. It’s all about sides, whether you’re on the right side or the wrong as they show it. And that is true from both sides. The bad thing is that the people have been manipulative enough to be influenced by it and believe the lies that they get sold every time.

It doesn’t matter though which side you choose and how you perceive it to be, the big question is, “How long can it last?”. That question doesn’t need an answer, it needs an action. And not just by some random spread out people, it has to be by the mass. Almost an entire world needs to be stepping in to do this.

Don’t worry about the politicians. They’re in show business, they follow the masses. If people start liking something, they’ll follow. (Remember Former US President Obama and his stand regarding the LGBTQ community and their rights?)

The system is broken, that’s normal, it’s human. We don’t need to worry about it, we just need to start doing the right thing. Don’t think politicians have too much power, don’t forget who put them there and who has the power to do it, us.

It’s just a matter of time and effort. We have come together in the past and recovered from many disasters that at the time were thought inescapable. I have faith in humanity, and with that, I’ll see you in the next one.

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